Article 1.
The Organizer of the Jarun Cup 2018 tournament (Tournament) is ABHC Zagreb, Bitorajska 24, 10000 Zagreb (Organizer). Contact:e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; GSM: +385 95 8136 286.
Article 2.
The Tournament will take place at Big lake on Jarun Sports Center, Zagreb– Croatia, from April 27, 2018 to May 1, 2018. The Organizer can change the date and venue due to externals.
Article 3.
The aim of the Tournament is beach handball promotion and its popularization among the young categories. In the end of the Tournament three best placed teams in all categories will be announced, the same as the best players (left wing, right wing, specialist, goalkeeper, defensive player, pivot). Teams will be awarded with the points according to the European Beach Handball Tour regulations.
Article 4.
Teams interested in the participation in the Tournament should submit their application online via official website until 11:59 pm on April 20, 2018. The application form is available at Additionally, it is possible to register the team via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cancellation of the participation is possible via e-mail at the latest 6 days before the Tournament starts.
All requests considering playing times teams should send via e-mail at the latest 96 hours before the Tournament starts.
Article 5.
The early bird registration fee for senior teams is 100 € and it is available until February 20, 2018.The registration fee after that date will be 150€.
Registration fee for young age categories for this competition:
The registration fee should be paid to the following bank account:
When making mandatory payments, under the description you should put –"Participation fee for JARUN Cup" and your team name.
Article 6.
Tournament will be played according to the schedule prescribed by the Organizer in the agrement with the main referees and delegates of the Tournament.
The competition will start by group stages.
Teams will be ranked by:
“Teams in question” shall mean remaining teams for which the ranking could not be established based on the previous ranking criteria.
After the group stages, teams will continue on with the knockout phase where we will be able to declare the winners of the Tournament.
Tournament rules and propositions for categories 2000, 2002., and senior teams:
Tournaments rules and propositions for young age categories (valid for 2004, 2006 and 2008 and 2010 categories):
Boys born in 2010 and younger
Article 7.
According to scoresheet and officials statements, the Organizer will register match with 2:0 as a definite outcome, with both periods result 10:0 for one of the teams in the following cases:
The team which lost the match because of some of these reasons will be punished with –1 point.
It is not allowed to be late for the match.
Teams have to respect schedule and times of the competition. It is not possible to delay the beginning of the competition because one of the teams is late (unless the Organizer decides differently).
Any team which does not follow the propositions written in this article will lose the match without fight, and points will be assigned according to Propositions.
Article 8.
The Organizer will secure all technical requirements for the competition.
All matches will be played according to the valid version of the IHF Beach Handball rules, the same as the Propositions of the Tournament.
All matches will be played regardless to weather conditions, following the Fair play principles, the basic rule of beach handball.
In agreement with 8a and 8b rules of Substitution area regulations, which is part of the Rules of the Game, all players and officials (except one official person) should sit or kneel in their substitution area. For breaking this rule for the first time the team will be worned by referees, and every next time when some of the team members break this rule, ball will be taken from that team and player or official will be punished because of unsportsmanlike behavior.
All punishments assigned during the match are generally valid until the end of the match. Disqualification assigned because of the seriuosly unsportsmenlike behavior toward referees, delegate, timekeeper and scorekeeper, spectators, team players, opposite team players or officials of both teamsis exception. A team member who gets direct disqualification will be minimally one match suspended, while the Organiser keep right to decide about the final punishment.
In the case of any disagreement about Rules of the Game or points gained for scored goal, referees have the final decision and it should be accepted without complains or unsportsmanlike behavior.
All teams have to wear sportswear adjusted to competition, which has to be in an unique color with printed numbers. In the case where both teams have the same sportswear, team B should change theirs.
Article 9.
In all matches of thisTournament, reasons for protests are not valid if relating to:
Protests can be announced orally to the EHF delegate of the match immediately after the end of the match.The reasons for the protests shall be handed over in written form within 30 minutes after the end of the match. At the same time a protest fee amounting to 400 € has to be paid.If the protest is accepted, the protest fee will be refunded to the appellant; otherwise the Organizer keeps the full amount of the protest fee.
The Disciplinary Commission consists ofaltogether five members (two substitute members) being recruited from the members of the Organizing Committee.The Disciplinary Commission makes a decision by simple majority. In the case where the team member is suspended or disqualified, that decision will be announced at least one hour before the next game in which that participant should appear.
Any decision of the Disciplinary Commission may be appealed to the EHF Court of Appeal. Appeals during the Tournament shall not suspend the effect of any decision of the Disciplinary Commissionuntil the decision of second instance is communicated to the parties.
An appeal against the decision awarded by the Disciplinary Commission together with thereasons given for the appeal shall be communicated in written form to the main delegateof the competition not later than 8:00 p.m. local time the same day the decision of the first instance is announced tothe parties.Besides an appeal fee of 750€ in cash shall be paid by the appellant to the Tournament Director at the same time the appeal is requested.
Such appeal is transferred to the EHF Court of Appeal Ad Hoc Commission. This Ad Hoc Commission has 3 members and makes a decision by simple majority. The members of the Disciplinary Commission having decided on the protest in first instanceshall not be part of the Ad Hoc Commission examining the protest in appeal.The Ad Hoc Commission members shall not beparticipants of the Tournament.
If the protest is accepted, the protest fee will be refunded to the appellant.
Next steps, which are not written in these Propositions, have to be in accordance with the EHF Arbitration Court procedures.
Article 10.
Each participant who comes to the Tournament and is a part of it as a player, referee, delegate, team official or competition organizer has to be physically and mentally prepared.
Each participant of this competition participates voluntarily and on the own responsibility. Participants are not additionally secured in insurance companies.
The Organizer is not liable for any personal injuries as the result of the participation before,during or after the Tournament because teammanager has voluntarily assigned these conditions in the name of all team members.
It is not allowed for participants to be influenced by alcohol during the match.
Referees and delegate, together with the Organizer, can forbid appearance on the match or on the whole tournament to some player or the team on their subjective judgement.
If something unwilling happen because a player or the team appeared while they were influenced by alcohol, the whole team and all its members can be punished and they are entirely responsible for their behaviour.
Each participant of the event takes full responsibility for any damage caused by him/her to the property of the Organizer or the third parites (eg. the hotel where the participant will be accommodated).
The Organizer has the right to exclude with the immediate effect any participant, who violates the public order or whose behavior hinders or prevents from conducting the Tournament or who threatens other participants or the Organizer.
Article 11.
Anything that is not written in this Propositions will be decided by the Organizer following the Rules of the Game.
Article 12.
We kindly ask each participant to respect, together with competition spirit, the Rules of the Game and on that way makes a contribution to successful development of beach handball.
We wish a pleasent stay, good fun and successful ranking for all participants.
The Organizer has the right of explaining, changing and additioning the Propositions.
These Propositions are excepted on the meeting of the Organizing committee, which was held on January 7th, 2018 and are valid from that date.
Organizing Committee of the Tournament