None tournament can be organized without referees - as this is as significant part of the tounament as the teams, we would like to dedicate some space for our this year's officials too. Give a warm welcome to Marcos Pérez Outeda and Héctor Fraile Muñoz who, for the first time, decided to take part in Jarun Cup! :) Take a look how Marcos answered to fundamental question: "why beach handball?" and what does he think about the future of our beloved sport.
CAIPIranhas will not be the only German representatives on Jarun Cup 2018 :) The same as them two referees - Jesper Stumpfe and Bjarne Deiters - decided to visit Jarun Cup for the first time! We were talking with the guys around beginning of the year, so we couldn't resist to ask if Jarun Cup was on their New Year's resolution list - check out what was the answer :)
We have already introduced to you quite a few teams that are coming back to Zagreb, but this time we have brand new team in our Jarun's family - give a warm welcome to CAIPIranhas from Germany that will participate in senior women category! Check out below why they waited so long with participation in Jarun ;), and how the leader of the team - Elisabeth Sumperl, explained their name:
Last time we introduced to you Göteborg BHC that is expanding beach handball knowledge around people with disabilities, this time we stay in the subject of spreading the word about our beloved sport - give a warm welcome to Pyrki Poznań from Poland that is strongly engaged in equal development of indoor and beach handball skills among kids and youth. Check out how it all started and how they manage to combine both types of handball, from the interview with Pyrki's leader - Karolina Peda.
We don't slow down the pace! It's time to reveal the sensation of this year's Jarun Cup - sit down before you read on :) Göteborg BHC is preparing real Swedish invasion in April! :) They annouced participation in 4 categories: junior boys&girls and senior men&women with 5 teams! Believe us, you really need to read our interview with Göteborg's coach Tony Carlsson - you will get to know how the oldest Swedish beach handball club overcome climate limitations and what does it mean to them "to be open to everyone" (we promise, you'll be positively surprised).