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Academic beach handball club Detono Zagreb has been nominated for the title "team of the year" in men and women category. For the best team of Zagreb city, Detaonators are nominated second time at the row, this time because of the titles won in Portuguese Lagoa last season.

In year 2012. athletes from Zagreb won the 229 medals in total, on all international competitions. Athletes from 29 different sports disciplines won the medals, and we are proud that our club contributed with 2 gold medals (EBT Masters finals in Lagoa). Congratulations to all medal holders.

Authorities of Matelândie, city in the state of Paraná in southern Brazil, which counts more than 16 000 inhabitants, introduced a new sports investment last month. It is a court for beach handball of which costed 90 000 BRL (about 251 000 million) of municipal funds. This new area, which will allow new sports activity in the city, occupies 666.80 square meters.

Academic Beach Handball Club Detono Zagreb traditionally participated in the tournament, which was held in Einsiedeln,  from  5th to 6th January 2013.

Tournament organizers published the schedule for the beach handball tournament, the first in season 12/13, which will be held next week in Einsiedeln (5.-6.1.2013.). You may find the schedule HERE

Academic Beach Handball Club

Bitorajska 24
10000 Zagreb

Mladen Paradžik
+385 95 8136 286
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