Member of the Academic beach handball club Zagreb, Maja Majstorović, has spoken with Fernando Gallego, Alcala player which won the European club title last year in Umag. In addition you could read what Nano said to Maja. Enjoy.
1. First of all I would like to thank you for taking some times for this interview.Can you, please, introduce yourself in a few words?
„ Hello everyone.Thank you for invited me on this interview. My name is Fernando Gallego ( Nano ), I was born on June 18, 1985 and coming from Spain. I'm a specialist handball player with Balonmano Playa Alcalá and play for...
Beach handball expanding and global positioning on the world sports map has undergone another step forward. In the period from February 13 to February 16, 2014. Australian teams played the national championship. Teams and players from across the country are willing to show their skills on sand.
Applications for the tournament Jarun cup 2014. are open until 26.04.2014. up to 24:00 h.
Participation fee for senior teams is 45 € (early registration until 24.3.2014.). After that date, participation will cost 60€ per team. Application deadline is set to 26.4.2014. up to 24:00 h.
Participation for the youth teams will be 30€ (1996. and younger), and 15€ for younger age categories (1998. and younger).
Academic beach handball club Zagreb will organize its 3rd Election Assembly, which will be held on Wednesday, 19.2.2014. at 18.00 hours at the Faculty of science- Bijenička 30, Hall 001.
All people who want to participate in the club organization are welcome to join.
Mladen Paradžik, Secretary.
Academic Beach Handball Club
Bitorajska 24
10000 Zagreb
Mladen Paradžik
+385 95 8136 286
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