Academic beach handball club Zagreb

Bitorajska 24
10000 Zagreb

contact person:
Mladen Paradžik
GSM:+385 95 8136 286
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

On January 13th, 2006 the Founding Assembly of Beach Handball Club PMF was held in Martinovka Sport Hall. In a meeting the Statue of a club is passed, the authority to represent a club is given, and 24 members unanimously elected the members of management bodies. Zoran Glavočić became first elected President. Ana Tomas (vice president) and Mladen Paradžik (Secretary) were members of the first elected Presidency. After one year Ana Tomas decided to quit with her function and Romana Domjančić became new vice president. In the Supervisory committee the following members were elected: Matija Bašić, Magdalena Peh, Tina Jeletić. In disciplinary commision the following members were elected. Željko Mirazović (instead of Romana Domjančić), Diana Žgela, Kenan Mačkić.

At the second assembly (19.1.2010.) changes happened in the Supervisory Committee- Ivan Jugović, Lucija Babun and  Ana Vranešić became new members. Also, in the Disciplinary Commission Ivana Krpina replaced Kenan Mačkić. Presidency stayed the same.

At the third assembly (19.2.2014.) the following members of management bodies were elected:


Matija Šulc, president

Romana Domjančić, vice president

Mladen Paradžik, secretary

Nevena Krajcar,

Igor Požeg.

Supervisory Committee:
Ivan Jugović

Lucija Babun

Matko Vutmej

Disciplinary Commission:
Ivan Jurić

Lucija Kelava

Zoran Glavočić

ABHC ZagrebBecause of the fact that the BHC PMF received a significant number of members from other faculties, the Assembly decided, in January 2008, that the new name for the club will be Academic Beach Handball Club Zagreb. With this decision Club became open to all (future) members who are willing to engage in beach handball and in this way to promote this beautiful sport. "Legacy" of the initial name of Faculty of Science remained visible in the first words of the club name (Academic). Also, on this Assembly Ana Tomas resigned from Club (personal reasons) and vice president position Assembly gave to Romana Domjančić. On her place in Disciplinary Commission arrived Mr. Željko Mirazović.

Academic Beach Handball Club

Bitorajska 24
10000 Zagreb

Mladen Paradžik
+385 95 8136 286
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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