We are proud to announce that Academic beach handball club Zagreb became a part of the first beach handball oriented Erasmus+ project. VolFair, which is the akronym for Be(ach) Volunteer, Be(ach) Fair!
As the name suggests, the main goal of the project is to investigate how to attract volunteers in beach handball, and to determine what volunteers like or don't like during event organization.
Beside ABHC Zagreb, another partners on this project are two organizations with high volunteering experience in sport: EUSA Institute (Slovenia) and Akademicki zwiazek sportowy (Poland), while ABHC Zagreb and Stichting Camelot Beachhandball Tournament (Netherlands) are experienced in organizing beach handball events. Project will last for 2 years, and will include the meetings that will be organized in the partner's countries.
This is a huge step for all beach handball organizers in order to enhance the volunteer's experience during the event. Since the volunteers are one of the main backbones while organizing beach handball tournaments or any other sport event, it is of main importance to keep them happy, willing to learn, work and communicate. Within this project we hope that we will get the feedback from the volunteers in order to do the reqiored knowledge about their needs and requirements-Sandra Čičić (Executive director-ABHC Zagreb).