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When somebody hear the name 12 Monkeys, "ordinary" people will probably think on Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt and their great movie that was released in 1995. However, to the beach handball community first thought on 12Monkeys is related to the fenomenal crew from Cologne, Germany. ABHC Zagreb had the opportunity to play against them in few occasions, and what those guys promote is essential fair play during the whole match. Here are the few answers to our question.Enjoy

1. Tell us few words about your team (when did you start to play and what was the beggining like, number of winning trophies, medals, most relevant tournaments that you have visited, some interesting story maybe?).

We have been playing as 12 Monkeys Köln since 2010 now and in that time we picked quite a
few bananas and coconuts throughout Europe. But regarding relevancy, we find one thing to
be most important: spreading #monkeylove!

2. How many times have you participated on EBT Masters finals?

This is our first attempt. But in spirit, the monkeys have always been part of the EBT Finals!

3. Write your key players and tell us few interesting notes about them.

Our key player will always be Christian Lehnert, whether or not he's actually playing. Which is because he frequently loses his keys!

4. What do you expect from EBT Masters finals in Baia Mare?

Celebrating our wonderful sport in competing with its top athletes from all across the continent. Being part of the huge extended beach handball family is what makes every tournament so special – and the EBT Finals even more so. From a competitive point of view we intend to go into every set with a lot of spirit and then just take it from there!

5. If you have the team motto and nickname, please write it down.
Our motto is #monkeylove, plain and simple.


Academic Beach Handball Club

Bitorajska 24
10000 Zagreb

Mladen Paradžik
+385 95 8136 286
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